- Media Release
Inspiring Careers in Earth Science Forum
Alice Springs high school students are getting a taste of the career opportunities that await them in the field of earth sciences thanks to an initiative by the resources industry.
The Minerals Council of Australia is facilitating an innovative forum in Alice Springs to showcase the opportunities that exist for school leaver in earth sciences and related industries.
Over 60 high school students in years 10 to 12 from three public and private Alice Springs high schools will learn more about the exciting range of local jobs and career pathways in the local resources sector.
Students will have the opportunity to participate in a hands-on exploration workshop, participate in a speed career session, visit the Alice Springs mine exhibition and take part in a short excursion to learn more about the rocks and minerals around Alice Springs.
It is expected that students and school staff members will leave the forum with an enhanced understanding of earth sciences and the Central Australian resources industry and may be inspired to pursue a future in this sector.
The Central Australia region has a growing pipeline of resource projects and it is important for industry and government to work together to build local skills and capability of the local communities to ensure they can take advantage of the opportunities that will accompany these projects.
‘With a growing number of mining and resourcing projects in the pipeline, it is essential to grow a local skilled workforce. This is a shared responsibility for industry, government and educators,’ said MCA executive director of Northern Australia, said Cathryn Tilmouth.
‘This inaugural forum is a fantastic opportunity for industry to directly engage with local students, showcasing what our sector has to offer. MCA looks forward to continuing to grow this forum in the future across the NT.’
The forum is a collaboration between the Geological Society of Australia and AusEarthEd with support from the Extractives Association of the NT, Energy Club NT and Australian Energy Producers, AMEC as well as member companies.